Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Script pentru inserarea de emoticoane in posturile Blogger

While searching for some Firefox extensions through the web, I've found an interesting and useful script which can help to insert emoticons in Blogger posts.

This script must be installed through the Greasemonkey extension and it works only when the Blogger post interface is in "Compose" mode, not "edit HTML".

It simply allows you to insert any image in your posts, from the Yahoo! and MSN emoticos, to animated gifs or any picture format.

27-11-2007: all Yahoo! emoticons (normal and hidden ones) are available in the script

You can easily edit the script with Notepad.

The script can be found here: click

all Yahoo! emoticons at http://locdedatcucapul.blogspot.com/2007/08/yahoo-emoticons-list.html
Tot cautat pe net dupa scripturi si extensii de Firefox, am dat peste un script interesant. Se instaleaza in extensia GreaseMonkey si permite inserarea de emoticoane in posturile Blogger.

Aceste emoticoane pot fi orice imagine: emoticoane Yahoo!, MSN sau pur si simplu de la gif-uri animate pana la orice alt format de imagine.

Scriptul l-am modificat dupa nevoile proprii, astfel ca la data de 27-Noiembrie-2007 el contine toate emoticoanele Yahoo! (normale + cele ascunse).

De altfel, scriptul se poate modifica de oricine, in Notepad, pentru adaugarea oricaror emoticoane sau imagini.

Il puteti descarca de aici -> clic