Monday, February 25, 2008


Innovations prior to Artlebedev

This article is related to the "Innovations from Artlebedev".

It seems that Apple just release a patent regarding an OLED featuring keyboard, just few days before the Maximus shipping keyboard from Artlebedev.

This fact is upsetting me, since Apple is not creating anything better for the public, but instead, is stealing ideas.
You've heard about iPhone. Crap.
You've seen the iTouch device (the player device that should be INSIDE the iPhone).
You're using an iPod and/or related cousins and brothers from the biggest to the smallest one. All crap.
MacBook Air? Even bigger CRAP.

Anything else? All G-don't-know-what-number computers: CRAP (since their price is 2 to 5 times bigger than an usual PC).

And now they are "inventing" something similar to the Optimus Maximus keyboard?
They must be joking. But in this world, don't matter who's stealing from whom, it matters the releasing date of the patent.

You now what? How about a german company who was manufacturing OLED keyboards since 1993? Really, they have.

A keyboard with similar functions as Maximus have, called the 205PRO, features 20×20 pixel monochrome LCD function keys was manufactured by United Keys. The patent for this "Display Keyboard" is held by inventor Elkin Acevedo.

However, the first programmable LCD keyboard was developed in the mid-1980s in Germany. This keyboard, sold under the LCBoard name in the U.S. until 1999, contained many of the features of the Optimus keyboard including monochrome graphic icons on each keyboard key, macro programming, context sensitive and application dependent switching between functions.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Innovations from Artlebedev

As you might already been heard about the Optimus keyboards (Maximus and Three), there comes another one: Tactus.

The Maximus keyboard is innovative not in design (keys with 128x128px OLED displays), but in features. Not in its own features, but also in "what you can do with those" and "make your own" features.

I am a big fan of customizations. Without them, I'm just a commoner and this is a thing I don't like. Don't like to be special as an emo, also.

For the sake of making my own life a little bit easier, I belong to those n% of the people who are using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, SonyEricsson instead of bulky plastic Nokia phones with no customizing abilities at all, Windows XP with the right updates and a self esteem just enough high to not use HI5, Tagged or any other social network sites, spam messages with "send this to 10 people" and games inside Excel files exposing the computer to risky macros and VB scripts.

So, that's why I am considering a full custom keyboard to be a must-have device.

Reading about Three and Maximus few years ago, knowing about the last one's high price (~460$ / 370€) but also with the "one key at a time" plan (keyboard is initially shipped with common keys that don't have a display, but they can be replaced one by one as your finances permits it, with OLED screen keys - Maximus FAQ), I have thought that was not the end.

So, just heard about Tactus keyboard. For now, this seems perfect.

The next ideea for an innovative device? Upravlator.

This is a touch sensitive device, but also having a tactile feedback.
It features a 10.8 inch color LCD (800 ×600 pixels resolution) with 12 see-through buttons occupying its surface. Each of them has five contact points—one in the center, top, bottom, left and right—which are freely assignable to user interface elements in the software of your choice.

An optional folding stand allows you to place the keyboard in the most ergonomic position and orientation available in your workspace.

Besides the power supply cord, Upravlator uses another two cords for connection to a computer (USB and VGA). To plug the video cable, the second monitor port (available in most configurations) or the second video card are used (the choice of the video card is up to you, it’s not part of the standard package).

Upravlator uses open standards and protocols, which will make it easier for developers to create applications. The device is compatible with Windows and Mac OS X.

Expected to be available for sale in the second half of 2008.

So, what's next for life improvement?

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Next-gen mobile devices

Reading and watching about Nvidia's APX 2500 platform and its capabilities, combined with another session of Google's Android platform, I wonder how short will be the period of time in which we will have in our pockets those magnificent devices.

Able to sustain OpenGL applications (Quake III Arena is old and deprecated, but not for mobile devices), HD movies (running on a silicon chip instead of spinning hard-drives gives the opportunity to use better the battery power in two manners: crisp and detailed videos and image processing or increased operating time of the devices), special efects and lots of other additional features (accelerometer, wi-fi or hi-speed GPRS connections are consuming a lot of power), the APX 2500 devices are a dream that must become operational in the shortest amount of time.

A 750MHz processor, a powerful 3D video processing unit, 1280x1024px resolution and camera's capabilities up to 12Mpx, also offering S-video and Composite in-outs, this is a must-have device.

The APX 2500 chip as GeForce ULP (ultra low power) includes OpenGL ES 2.0 and Microsoft Direct3D Mobile, playing over 10 hours of HD 720p videos, all of these on Windows Mobile OS.

Entering in production from the second half of the year, Nvidia is already prepared to deliver to big industry names.

How about creating your own phone applications? Maybe using phone's camera in another way than intended or maybe with much more available functions?

How about organizing your day taking as reference the location all your interviews and business meeting and so on, using Google Maps?

Well, these are only few examples of your imagination.
Imagine that you could do that with your phone. Wait, what phone?

It doesn't matter. YOU are creating the applications, so you are not forced to buy a phone for its business or entertainment functions, you are simply buying a phone with a decent handling of java/image/sound/connection routines.

Take Android SDK for start (with Eclipse for java/C programming or any other development environment) and "engage!".

Nothing is too complex for anyone who wants to learn or to create better products than the big and rich and evil companies products.

An Open Handset Alliance Project - Android project was started these days for anyone and Google is giving away 10 millions of dollars in prizes for the best visual and/or useful applications created by, you guessed, ANYONE.

A brief introduction of Android

Did I mentioned how easy it is to build great mobile applications? Yes, I did. Well, for beginners it's not quite that easy, but with the help of the developing manner and structured thinking of other technologies they've learned (html, javascript, php, mysql, etc), nothing is impossible.

By the way, there isn't a Gphone for this time, so don't trust others claiming the fact that they own or saw or something like that in the present or near future.
Real working devices are available, but not as "Gphone"s.

And for last, the XPERIA X1 from SonyEricsson.


Salvati animalele, omorati oamenii

De ceva vreme incepusem sa ascult si radio in timp ce ma deplasam zilnic la serviciu. Si cum trebuia ca acel post de radio sa aiba un semmal mai mult decat bun, am ajuns sa ascult KissFM si ai lor carcotasi.

Dupa vreo 2 saptamani de carcoteala, am ajuns la concluzia ca acesti doi baietasi valoreaza mai mult ca si imagine decat sunt ei in stare sa scoata materiale bune. Nu am aflat nimic nou din ce povesteau ei, si mai rau, nu aveau pareri personale si constructive. Ei, in emisiunea lor, nu fac altceva decat sa citeasca ziarele pentru cei care nu au timp de asta si sa mai primeasca vreo cateva telefoane cu parerile ascultatorilor.

Dar ei nu au nici o parere. Ei nu expun nimic, nu sunt frustrati ci doar persifleaza si mistocaresc.

De aceea, am cautat alt post de radio. Si am ajuns la Radio Guerilla.
Si aici tot doi baieti sunt: Mihai Dobrovolschi si Vlad Craioveanu.
Insa, ei nu fac doar sa citeasca ziarele. De fapt, nici nu stiu daca au citit vreodata ziarele. Doar cate un titlu, doua pe emisiune. Iar apoi isi expune fiecare parerea. Atat cat de dezaxata o poate permite emisia libera.

Dezaxata, in sensul bun al cuvantului. O sa intelegeti voi de ce. Sau poate ca nu. Mai reflectati.

Astazi, Craioveanu (cred ca el era) spunea despre un priten de-al lui care face parte dintr-o organizatie care se ocupa cu recuperarea/salvarea/ingrijirea animalelor abandonate sau maltratate.
De curand, opinia publica (2, 3 oameni, cei care nu au prea multa putere pentru a face ceva bine) a luat cunostiinta cu faptul ca tiganii isi infometeaza caii. Ii lasa toata iarna legati cine stie pe unde prin grajduri sau prin curti sau chiar in mijlocul campului, pentru ca nu au ce sa le dea sa manance sau ii costa prea mult.

Decat sa vanda calul, il pune la pastrare, ca sa zic asa, si daca supravietuieste iernii, il pune din nou la treaba.
Ca si cum ar fii un obiect, de exemplu un pix. Ai nevoie de pix, il iei de pe masa, scrii cu el cat ai de scris si apoi il pui din nou pe masa, fara sa te mai gandesti ca trebuie sa il alimentezi si pe el cu o pasta de scris, ceva. Fara sa mai ai grija de carcasa lui, il trantesti neglijent, il arunci cum ai chef.

Cam asa fac acesti minunati conlocuitori, mancat'as.

Din spusele lui Craioveanu, acel prieten de-al lui a avut ghinionul/norocul sa intalneasca pe o strada, doi tigani care bateau un cal, aproape sa il omoare.
Sper ca va mai aduceti aminte de stirea difuzata la ProTV acum ceva timp, cu acel calut accidentat care avea picioarele rupte. Daca nu va mai aduceti aminte si "vai, mi s-a facut rau, nu vreau sa ma gandesc la asa ceva", ete, aflati dragilor ca viata nu e roz. E chiar de cacat.

Cam asa era situatia si aici. Sunandu-l speriat pe Vlad si spunandu-i ca nu are cum sa ajute calul in momentele alea, i-a cerut o parere. Iar Craioveanu i-a facut rost de numarul de telefon al campaniei ProTV de salvare a animalelor iar echipa s-a deplasat in timp util si totul s-a rezolvat cu bine.

De data asta. In cazul asta. De care am aflat intamplator, ascultand un radio pe care lumea nu il considera in trend. Sper sa ma insel, iar voua, celor de la radio, va prezint scuzele mele si urarile de si mai bine.

Cazuri de genul asta nu se intampla numai in comunitatea rromilor, se intampla oriunde, oricand. Tiganii sunt rai, nepasatori, ignoranti si imputiti, dar cand e vorba sa se uneasca, o fac imediat.

Noi romanii ne dam smecheri, intelectuali, culti si plini de noi, dar in acelasi timp ne futem pe la spate unul pe altul ori de cate ori avem ocazia. Prietenie? Nu mai exista. Exista doar "da-mi ca POATEo sa iti dau si eu". Serviciu? Cursa pentru supravietuire, cu cat mai putin maro pe limba. Sau nu conteaza cat de maro este, noi sa traim bine.

Ca si exemplu, uitati doi nesimtiti care au blocat accesul Salvarii. Desi puteau lasa loc liberp pentru aceasta, ei insistau sa se bage in fata ei, prin intreaga coloana de masini. Iar astazi a fost coloana de la statuia LEU (Cotroceni si chiar mai jos cred, pana la pod la Dambovita) dincolo de Apaca, chiar si dincolo de Politehnica.

As rezuma in doua bancuri, din pacate, adevarate in societatea noastra:
1. Bula era suparat ca i-a murit magarul. Si cum il jelea el?
- De ce ai murit maaaa, de ce m-ai lasat singuuur... cum mai fac eu munca fara tineeee... si tocmai acum cand te invatasem sa nu mai mananci deloc!

2. pe asta ar trebui sa il scrieti voi in comentariu, ca sa descrieti cat mai bine situatia

Avea dreptate Vadim cand a zis ca ce-a mai buna idee ar fii sa ducem coruptii pe stadioane si sa ii impuscam. Nu discret, ci in vazul lumii, ca pe vremea lui Vlad Tepes.

Ajungand intr-un final la serviciu, dupa lupte seculare in RATB si Metrorex, am avut surpriza si in acelasi timp mi-a mai bucurat un pic ziua, de a gasi pe presul de la intrarea in firma, trei mogaldete de catelusi care dormeau nevoie mare.

Nici macar nu se ridicau atunci cand trecea lumea peste ei, atat de adormiti erau.
Nu-i nimic, probabil in cateva ore vor avea din nou bateriile incarcate si atunci ni se vor incurca printre picioare ca de obicei, atat pe afara cat si prin firma.

Sa aveti o zi buna si daca vedeti un monstru maltratand animale, va rog, nu ezitati sa ii crapati capul.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Suntem "jmekeri"

Astazi, 15 februarie, a nins a 5-a oara in timpul perioadei de iarna ( 2007-2008 ). Si cum nu lipseau obisnuitele ambuteiaje, lume inghesuita si nesimtita, primari "luati pe nepregatite" de aceste evenimente hibernale, iata ca se mai gaseste cate un romanas sa iasa din randul lumii.

Face ce face si tot iese el in evidenta cu ceva.

Desi era frig iar eu inghetasem, stand deja cu picioarele suspendate pentru a nu mai atinge podeaua rece a autobuzului, iata ca se urca in aceasta cutie de conserve transportatoare un personaj foarte... elegant.

Pe langa jeaca de pele si blugii largi si cu multe buzunarase, tanarul nostru jmeker din poveste, purta in picioare o prea-frumoasa pereche de... talpi goale.

Prea-frumoasa e putin spus. Numai sa va spun de tentele de albastru, violet si urme de negru de pe degete si va dati seama si singuri despre ce bashtan vorbim.

Sa se fii imbatat si sa-si fii pierdut incaltarile?
Sa-l fii deposedat de gumari un boschetar mai halterofil?
Sa-si fii jucat talpicile la poker sau barbut?

Nu pot spune daca privirea lui era incetosata de oboseala sau bautura. Nu prea mai puteam sa observ multe lucruri in acele momente.

Pe de-o parte incercam sa fotografiez cu un telefon, in timp ce autobuzul nimerea fiecare piatra si groapa de pe strada (de aceea va rog sa-mi scuzati calitatea pozelor), iar pe de alta parte ma abtineam sa nu rad de al doilea personaj al povestii, un betiv de langa mine, iar pe cea de-a treia parte, incercam sa ma impotrivesc subtil balansului ingrijorator al aceluiasi betiv de mai devreme.

Iar cele 2 ore de ninsoare vascolita incepeau sa isi spuna cuvantul, din ce in ce mai abitir.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Valentine's Day NOOOOOOT!

Please be advised that this is a true and very disturbing video.

Be smart and stay out of the gift shops.


Trunghiul Mortii - barbatul intre 14 februarie, 1 si 8 martie

Calendaristic, astazi incepe una dintre cele mai mizerabile perioade din viata unui barbat, perioada pe care specialistii o numesc si Triunghiul Mortii: Valentine`s Day - 1 Martie - 8 Martie (bine, daca gagica sufera de ecumenism, felicitari, te-ai incaltat si cu Dragobetele).

Cele trei sarbatori ale mortii reprezinta sabatul negru al barbatului, care va fi nevoit sa participe, in tot acest timp, la ritualurile demonice de adorare a consoartei.

Triunghiul Mortii debuteaza cu sarbatoarea Sfintului Valentin, o zi in care barbatul executa un ceremonial pe linga care pina si dansul dracesc al broastelor raioase in fluieraturile copiilor morti nebotezati pare “Lacul Lebedelor”. Chiar daca este o zi in care ar sta cu placere peste program, barbatul va trebui s-o stearga mai devreme, ca sa se poata inghesui alaturi de alti nefericiti in magazinele cu inimioare, mutunache si alte asemenea obiecte pagane de cult (pe care, ulterior, gagica-sa le va pune la vedere prin casa, ca sa aiba prietenii lui un motiv ca lumea sa faca misto de el cind vin in vizita).

Inarmat cu aceasta prima dovada de iubire (se pare ca pina si Iisus obisnuia sa le daruiasca ucenicilor Sai ursuleti de plus si inimioare de ciocolata, ca sa le arate ca-i iubeste), barbatul va trece pe la tarabele de flori, unde va jertfi inca o parte din salariu. Insa partea cu adevarat grea abia acum incepe. Dupa ce depune aceste marunte ofrande la picioarele gagica-sii, barbatul va trebui sa suporte calvarul unei iesiri romantice in oras. Va fi o seara placuta, la finele careia va intelege cit de fortata era comparatia cu sabatul negru: in fond, Satan nu vrea de la tine decit sufletul, nu-ti face praf salariul si nici nu pretinde sa te plimbi cinci ore cu el prin parc daca-l iubesti. Dupa 2 saptamini de refacere (asta, daca a reusit sa-si convinga prietena ca Dragobetele e o sarbatoare pentru taranii care n-au cablu si nu prind Eurosport), barbatul va da piept cu cea de-a doua incercare: Martisorul.

Dupa cum desigur stiti, martisorul este un obiect artizanal de foarte mult bun gust, pe care femeile il poarta atirnat de piept pentru a vesti venirea primaverii. Se pare ca presupunerea oamenilor de stiinta cum ca pasarile calatoare stiu din instinct cind sa se intoarca din tarile calde este complet falsa; in realitate, ele sunt anuntate de un porumbel voiajor: “Haideti, fetelor, ca au inceput proastele alea sa poarte martisor”.

Insa nimic nu-l poate bucura mai tare pe un salariat obisnuit, care se chinuie 12 luni pe an sa produca texte de calitate pentru un salariu mizer (v-ati dat seama, desigur, ca nu era vorba de mine cind am spus “texte de calitate”) decit 8 martie, o zi in care acesta va trebui sa caute un cadou frumos (care sa nu fie nici martisor, nici inimioara, fiindca imediat dupa 1 martie acestea devin niste kitsch-uri ordinare). Cadoul trebuie insotit obligatoriu de flori (care nu devin un kitsch ordinar dupa 1 martie, plus ca pretul florilor de 8 martie poate arunca lejer in criza intreaga economie mondiala) si de o noua iesire romantica in oras (unde, ca sa faci rost de o rezervare, s-ar putea sa fii nevoit sa-i rapesti chelnerului intreaga familie).

Specialistii nu au reusit sa-l identifice pe inventatorul acestor sarbatori, insa se presupune ca este vorba despre un dement care, dupa ce s-a insurat, a aruncat intreaga vina asupra omenirii si a jurat sa se razbune.

>>de prin mailuri adunate...


Foot and mouth painting artists

Few days before the Christmas of 2007 I've received by mail an envelope from the Romanian Association of Foot and Mouth Painting Artists.

Usually, I throw away any spam letters, without opening them, but this time, curiosity (triggered by the association's name) led me to open it.

Inside, there were some postcards containing winter and Christmas theme images, but they are not of usual kind.
They have been created by various artists, using only their feet and mouth.

The envelope contained also a greetings letter, informing me about the Association bank account in which I will suppose to send 26 RON, but only if I want to, since the postcards have already been received.

This time only in a 5-10 or so years, I've agreed to send them the money.

Searching through the net, found that other people received also this kind of mail. Opinions are split between "what a nice ..." and "liars and scammers, this Association doesn't exist in Romania".

Personally, I don't care if they are having the legal rights for these postcards.
But, said again, this time only.

See below the cards images.
One more time, they are supposed to be made using only feet or mouth (don't know if the artists are people with physical disabilities or not).

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

