Monday, August 23, 2010


Mandria de a fi roman

Circuitul platii facturilor in Romania:

Pleci de acasa fericit si mandru de tine ca esti un cetatean onest, bun platnic. Ajungi la oficiul postal. Dupa ce stai la coada linistit si iti astepti randul, dai nas in nas cu doamna de la posta.
Iti calculeaza vreo 10 minute ce ai de platit (nu aveam decat 2 facturi). Iti cere suma. Ii dai.
-Nu am sa va dau restul, lasati facturile la noi si mergeti sa schimbati.

Nu lasi facturile la ei, ca doar nu te-ai dilit de tot si iti spui in sinea ta:
-Lasa ca platesc la banca.

Ajungi la banca. Iti trebuie buletin. Nu ai la tine insa ii poti comunica datele.
- NU SE POATE fara buletin in original, mergeti la automat.

La automat trebuie sa ai suma fixa pt ca... AUTOMATUL NU DA REST. Alergi din banca in banca, din magazin in magazin. Toata lumea se uita scarbita la tine si iti spune:

Pana la urma nimeresti intr-o banca unde doamna de la ghiseu se uita in ochii tai de caine haituit, i se face mila, isi aminteste ca are si ea copii acasa si iti schimba imensa suma de 100 de lei. Fericit peste masura, cetateanul onest din tine alearga plin de speranta inapoi la oficiul postal. Cu lacrimi in ochi (de fericire, repet) ii intinzi mandru facturile si banii.
-ASTEPTATI, ti se raspunde, CA NUMAI DE LA COLEGA SE POATE (n.a numai de pe un singur calculator se pot efectua asemenea operatiuni).

Nu-i nimic, in fata ta nu e decat un domn.... care are 20 de mandate. Astepti, ce dracu sa-i faci. Platesti intr-un final si iesi aiurit si constati ca ti-ai pierdut fix 2 ore ca sa poti plati 2 facturi.


Nota: din peripetiile unei romance. Eu sunt doar transportatorul de la email la blog.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Perversa ca la Targu Ocna


Learn english

Two of the best comments:
1. Does Diarrhea mean something different in Japan cause they seem pretty happy about having it. lol

2. This is what happens when you use nuclear weapons on people.

For the second comment: funny, but not quite at the same time.
I like several japanese things, but definitely, they are quite different than the rest of the world.



Remember "Expendables"?
Danny Trejo was cast in the trailer, but not in the movie.

He gets a movie for himself.

Warning - 18+

Starring: Danny Trejo, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Robert de Niro. This was the order of their names in the trailer. But, seriously...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Devon watch


Snake game in Youtube movies

Ever watched a boring youtube movie?
Want something more? Maybe funny?

There it is! Select any movie from gaming category, and while the movie is playing (not paused), keep pressed for few seconds UP and LEFT keys simultaneously.

Snake appears and you can play the game WHILE the movie is still displayed in background, and even after the movie ends.

Later Edit: apparently, the game can be played in movies from all categories, even if only LEFT key is long pressed. The only restriction is that the movie player must be the new one (hint: volume slider is horizontal, not vertical).


Portal credits song