Friday, December 18, 2009


Russian animation

Monday, December 14, 2009


Suprize de la Diverta

Acum cateva zile am fost sa cumpar ceva hartie de impachetat cadouri. Si cum acele binecunoscute librarii de pe vremea lui 'Ceasca au disparut, iata ca ne aflam in fata marelui retailer Diverta.

Bun, din minunta oferta de 4 modele de hartie, am ales unul.

Astazi, am desfacut hartia ca sa impachetez ceva cadouri, pentru copii de la case speciale. (postul anterior)

Dupa ce am terminat de impachetat, am observat innauntrul ambalajului rotund de carton un cornet de hartie.
Initial am crezut ca micii chinezi care au impachetat hartia au pus si ceva extra acolo, gen sclipici, puf, zapada artificiala... etc.

Dar nu micii ambalatori de hartii de ambalat au facut-o, ci chiar confratii mei, romanasii.

Si cum ii sta bine romanului, pana nu personalizeaza el ceva, pana nu scrie pe toate gardurile si copacii cate ceva, iata ca unul mai indraznet face surprize cumparatorilor. In plus, a mai pus si cateva bucatele de hartie, sa para acest cadou un pic mai consistent.

Nu luati in seama obiectele care m-au ajutat sa tin inculpatul.

Sincer, acum mi-e un pic frica de ce anume s-ar putea sa mai gasesc prin alte ambalaje.


Christmas presents

My company wants to make some gifts for unfortunate children and beside the gifts prepared by the management, they were asking us if we could do the same.
Of course, this is a great idea and since last year I didn't have enough time to put this idea into practice, I wanted to do it properly this year.

In an old shoes box, some candy, chocolate, a reading book, a drawing book with some color pencils, a toy and other various sweets were put together.

After that, with some jolly wrapping paper and bows, behold the mighty presents!

Note: I didn't want to actually show the inside of gifts, this is a personal thought and nobody should be led by somebody else.
So, if you want to give something, please be creative, give it from your heart and share your gift with some of your special thoughts.