Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Posted by catacc at 8:20 PM 0 commentsFriday, December 12, 2008
Posted by catacc at 6:40 PM 0 commentsTracking
6. Megamind - movie
youtube movie
Not so great, a few stereotypes, some other movies trivia and tribute, but you might enjoy.
5. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet - game
Still not available for PC, I think?
4. Singularity - game
youtube movie 1
youtube movie 2
youtube movie 3
Played to the end. Both. ;) Conclusion: playable.
3. Split Second - game
youtube movie
5 minutes of playtime. Not enough. I'LL BE BACK!
Got back and played for more than 70%. Enjoyed very much at the beginning but in the end, scripted actions might seem annoying.
2. Seven Pounds - movie
Apple trailer
I was right. A very good movie.
1. Nunta Muta - director Horatiu Malaele
Another good romanian movie. Not so much for an action one, funny but sad at the same time.


Thursday, December 11, 2008
Posted by catacc at 9:21 AM 0 commentsSmileys - de prin mailuri
Evident stiti ce-i un SMILEY !
Da, da, semnele alea simpatice, gen
: - ) => multumire,
; - ) => facut cu ochiul,
> : - ( => suparare,
: - ( => nemultumire
< : - ( => mâhnire.
Dar stiti ce este un Fundey's ?
Câteva exemple (si nici nu-i nevoie sa-ti strâmbi gâtul !)
(_!_) Un fund normal..
(__!__) Un fund gras...
(!) Un fund slab...
(_._) Un fund plat...
{_!_} Un fund zbârcit
(_o_) Un fund experimentat
(_O_) Un fund foarte experimentat
(_$_) Un fund prea scump pentru noi
(_#_) Un fund care a primit recent suturi
(_%_) Hemoroizi !
Mai exista si Sâney's !
Câteva exemple :
(o)(o) Sâni normali
(+)(+) Sâni siliconati
(*)(*) Sâni înfrigurati
(.)(.) Sâni cu sfârcuri mici
(@)(@) Sâni cu sfârcuri mari
(^)(^) Sâni cu sfârcurile sus
(o)(O) Sâni asimetrici
\o/\o/ Sânii bunicii
\,/ \,/ Sânii strabunicii
( - )( - ) Sâni presati de usa dusului
(oYo) Laptarie cu belsug
( o Y o ) Sâni de pozat în Playboy
oo Sutien 'A'
00 Sutien 'B'
OO Sutien 'C'
{O}{O} Sutien 'D'
Noi, barbatii, ne folosim des de aceste semne pentru a va aprecia între noi, doamnelor si domnisoarelor, de exemplu : Fata asta este foarte atragatoare (_!_), stie sa se îmbrace elegant OO, are si cultura si ochi frumosi (oYo), dar din pacate gusturile ei nu corespund cu valoarea salariala a competentelor mele (_$_).
asteptam sugestiile Dumneavoastra pentru Peny's !


Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Posted by catacc at 11:28 AM 0 commentsCensored MTV
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Posted by catacc at 10:27 PM 0 commentsWednesday, November 12, 2008
Posted by catacc at 9:32 AM 0 commentsSaturday, November 8, 2008
Posted by catacc at 1:35 PM 0 commentsPerspective 2008 - Anaid Art Gallery
For English, read below.
Asociatia Art+Architecture Today si Galeria Anaid va invita sa luati parte la evenimentele din cadrul proiectului international de arta contemporana feminista Perspective 2008.
Perspective 2008 este primul proiect international de arta contemporana feminista de anvergura din Romania si are scopul de a demonstra relevanta segementului de arta feminista in arta contemporana internationala.
Cele 13 artiste expozante din 11 tari prezinta perspectivele lor feministe în functie de contextul fiecarui spatiu cultural. Selectia artistelor cat si a lucrarilor a fost facuta de catre Olivia Nitis, directoarea si curatoarea proiectului, in urma cercetarii segmentului de arta feminista contemporana si a consultarii unor baze de date internationale.
Artiste: Denise Pelletier (Canada), Marilena Preda Sanc (Romania), Emily Laliberte (Canada), Maria Friberg (Suedia), Monica Mayer (Mexic), Barbara Philip (Olanda), Jurate Rekeviciute (Lituania), Chengyao He (China), Mary Coble (SUA), Dorota Nieznalska (Polonia), Ryoko Suzuki (Japonia), Doris Mayer (Austria), Su Tomesen (Olanda)
Va asteptam!
Art+Architecture Today and Anaid Art Gallery invite you to take part to the events from the international project of contemporary feminist art Perspective 2008.
Perspective 2008 is the first major international contemporary feminist art project in Romania and has the purpose of proving the relevance of feminist art in the international contemporary art.
13 artists from 11 countries present their feminist perspectives taking into accout the context of each cultural area. The selection of artists and works was made by Olivia Nitis, project manager and curator, after researching the segment of contemporary feminist art and consulting international data bases.
Artists: Denise Pelletier (Canada), Marilena Preda Sanc (Romania), Emily Laliberte (Canada), Maria Friberg (Sweden), Monica Mayer (Mexico), Barbara Philip (The Netherlands), Jurate Rekeviciute (Lithuania), Chengyao He (China), Mary Coble (USA), Dorota Nieznalska (Poland), Ryoko Suzuki (Japan), Doris Mayer (Austria), Su Tomesen (The Netherlands).
You are most welcome to attend!


Monday, November 3, 2008
Posted by catacc at 10:46 AM 0 commentsINGRAFICA 2008, Madrid - Ciprian Ciuclea
Gravură experimentală românească în spaţiu neconvenţional la INGRAFICA 2008
Institutul Cultural Român Madrid organizează participarea lui Ciprian Ciuclea la prima ediţie a Festivalului Internaţional de gravură INGRAFICA 2008, desfăşurat în perioada 6 noiembrie – 14 decembrie, la Cuenca, Spania. Vernisajul Proiectului Monolog/Dialog al artistului român are loc vineri, 7 noiembrie, la ora 20:00, în spaţiile alternative oferite de Spitalului Santiago din localitate: Vestibul, Salonul militar de ceai şi Vechea Farmacie. Ciprian Ciuclea va participa şi la masa rotundă cu tema Cum se promovează arta grafică ?, în aceeaşi zi, de la ora 14:00.
Ciprian CIUCLEA – este absolvent al Facultăţii de Arte a Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara.
Master in Arte Vizuale la aceeaşi Facultate.
Cu o activitate bogată, printre care se numără participările la nenumărate Bienale şi Trienale Internaţionale de gravură, artistul se distinge şi prin activitatea sa legată de organizarea Bienalei Internaţionale de Gravură Experimentală din România, cu două ediţii la Timişoara şi una la Bucureşti (www.experimentalproject.ro). Printre expoziţiile personale amintim: Engramme Gallery, Quebec City, Canada sau Saitama Modern Art Museum, Japonia, ambele în 2006.
Ciprian Ciuclea este poate cel mai activ tânăr artist român în domeniul gravurii, un mediu de expresie abandonat de artişti. Cu o insistenţă programatică, el demonstrează valabilitatea gravurii în arta contemporană aflată la confluenţa dintre tehnicile tradiţionale şi experiment. Gravura este o provocare. Ea nu rămâne constrânsă unor reguli stricte, ci se eliberează prin preluarea regulilor şi reinterpretarea lor la nivelul unui discurs ce implică instalaţii, gravură-obiect şi nu în ultimul rând, video.
Expoziţia Monolog / Dialog
Aduce în discuţie poziţia artistului ca individ într-o lume a serialităţii şi monotoniei maselor amorfe de indivizi. Contează ceea ce spui sau e suficient să te adăposteşti în siguranţa interiorităţii tale? Poţi schimba ceva într-o lume în care majoritatea are întotdeauna dreptate fără să rămâi ascuns în spatele unui monolog permanent? Există dialog cu trecutul sau cel puţin o proiecţie reală asupra viitorului? - C. Ciuclea
Monolog-dialog parcurge un traseu experimental autoreferenţial. Această opţiune justifică interesul nu doar pentru aspectul formal al lucrărilor, cât mai ales pentru aria conceptuală a proiectului. Ciprian Ciuclea investighează problemele de raportare interumană în contemporan, trecerea tot mai reductivă a dialogului la monolog. Artistul gravor nu se complică. Identifică o problemă din realitatea contemporană, o raportează la el însuşi ca cea mai directă instanţă de autentificare, păstrând doza de subiectivism, şi o materializează prin mijloace simple. Materialele îndeplinesc criteriul transparenţei, al uşurinţei uneori până la volatil şi al preciziei formale. Obiectul, în general ready-made, este reconfigurat prin subtile adăugiri şi stratificări.
În instalaţiile lui Ciprian Ciuclea lumina joacă un rol important. Artificială şi/sau naturală lumina este instrumentul necesar în completarea şi punctarea relaţiei monolog-dialog, o relaţie tot mai fragilă care anunţă dependenţa de dialog în sistemul de idei şi în procesul autodefinirii blocate în autismul monologal - Olivia Niţiş, critic de artă şi curatoare.
INGRAFICA este primul Festival Internaţional de Gravură Contemporană din Spania. Proiectul este organizat la Cuenca de asociaţia non-profit Hablar en Arte si este destinat dezvoltării, cercetării, protecţiei şi promovării tuturor activităţilor din domeniul artelor plastice, scenice si audio-vizuale. Festivalul îşi propune să aducă în prim plan gravura, pornind de la ideea că viitorul artei în secolul XXI rezidă în obiectele înseriate şi reprezentarea lor multiplicativă în calitate de „vehicole fizice prin care se răspândesc idei”; urmăreşte să promoveze susţinut platforma internaţională contemporană în domeniul gravurii şi tehnicilor sale actuale; integrarea oraşului Cuenca în circuitele culturale mondiale de prim rang.
INGRAFICA 2008 va găzdui peste 150 de artişti, vor avea loc ateliere cu profesioniştii, dezbateri, conferinţe si proiecţii. Festivalul este organizat pe trei secţiuni distincte:
1. Referentes: artişti consacraţi – omagiu şi expoziţii dedicate gravorilor spanioli, Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, Antoni Tapies şi Rafael Alberti;
2. Trayectorias: aniversarea a 30 de ani de activitate a editorului şi galeristului Bernd Klüser, cel care l-a expus în premieră europeană pe Joseph Beuys. Se prezintă lucrări inedite de Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Mapplethorpe, Christo, Cindy Sherman în proiectul grafic For Joseph Beuys;
3. Insolitos: artişti în devenire – sprijinirea proiectelor independente prin ateliere şi expoziţii individuale, îmbinate cu dezbateri şi workshop-uri cu teme incitante, desfăşurate în spaţii neconvenţionale.
Cuenca este un oraş istoric cu multe rezonanţe artistice, declarat Patrimoniu al Umanităţii, de către UNESCO, în 1996. Spaţiu al avangardei artistice spaniole din anii '60, a fost transformat de pictorii Zóbel, Torner, Saura, Millares şi Rueda în centrul artei abstracte spaniole. Pentru Festival se alocă spaţii publice şi private, convenţionale şi alternative: muzee, săli de fundaţii, facultăţi şi centre culturale; Biserica San Andrés, Spitalul Santiago, pieţe, străzi.


Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by catacc at 11:05 AM 0 commentsSubtitles in Media Player Classic
Media Player Classic is a better player than you might think. I actually use this player for all cinema/tv movies, even for high definition.
This little player (along with required codecs) can show subtitles, without the need of the Vobsub tool from many not-so-liked codec packs.
If the movie subtitle file has the name exactly as the movie file, the MPC will show it instantly (when View -> Options -> Playback -> auto load subtitles is checked). If not, simply drag the subtitle file over the already opened movie and the player will read the text file (.srt, .sub, txt, etc.).
If none of these methods are not working, be sure the MPC has the following setting: View -> Options -> Playback -> Output -> DirectShow Video -> VMR7 or VMR9 renderless.
But when you don't have the movie subtitle? You have to search for it on specific sites, and this you have to do it for many sites, especially for a new released movie.
Another method is to use the MPC, putting to look for the subtitle itself.
When the movie is playing, go to File -> Subtitle Database -> Download -> select your desired language -> download and open. The MPC will search for your movie subtitle. Remember, the "Download" option is not available when the movie window is not opened (or when the required codec is not present in the system).
How its doing that? Very simple: every movie has an identification number (hash) which is connected to a subtitle file.
When no subtitle is available for your movie, you can search with File -> Subtitle Database -> Search or how you normally do on your favorite subtitle sites.
The MPC subs are located on the www.opensubtitles.org. You can setup another location in View -> Options -> Subtitles -> Database.
If you found the subtitle on another website and want to help other users, you can also upload the subtitle so the others can find it quickly. But I recommend not to use File -> Subtitle Database -> Upload (you may be doing something wrong), instead use the SubDownloader software. More info here and here.


Best movie player - Media Player Classic?
Forget about any other movie player. Or maybe not.
Let's see: we have until now: MPC (media player classic), WMP (Windows media player - default one), VLC (video lan client), BSP (BS player), Radlight, MPlayer, DRP (Dziobas Rar Player), Quicktime.
Al of them are trying to give you the best time watching movies. Some of them requires codecs to be installed in the system (mpc, wmp, bsp, radlight), others are containing their own codecs (vlc, mplayer, drp).
Based on my own experience, there isn't a best player to give you what you need any time you want anything you want. I have used since 2-3 years ago only Radlight + codecs in the system. I have managed to code something for my tvtuner remote control to operate even with Radlight, so everything was just fine. After few system crashes, hard drive failures (not related to movie players and codecs though), I was forced to cut off almost all my daily jobs regarding computer use.
So I began to search alternatives, maybe to install them on memory sticks, maybe not to lose hours downloading and installing players and codecs, etc.
Finally, I came to this conclusion: MPC + codecs + VLC.
1. MPC + codecs for cinema/tv movies
2. VLC for all the others or when 1. is not working.
1a. Media Player Classic has 2 flavors: the normal one and HD (high definition or home theatre).
The normal MPC is contained in Windows or may be downloaded from internet (latest up to now is It can be used for watching everyday movies, along with the required codec. Personally, I only use DivX and AC3 codecs. The HD version can be downloaded from http://mpc-hc.sourceforge.net/ and used to watch HD movies (such as .avi or .mkv ones), or HD and Blueray DVDs.
Even the normal Media Player Classic can be used to watch HD movies, as described here: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=129030.
1b. For cinema/tv movies (.avi, but remember that avi is not a codec, its a container. the codec may be mpeg2, mpeg4, divx, xvid, etc), I only use Divx and AC3 codecs. These are the ones installed by me, with my own hands, but keep in mind that if you install any NERO software (even only Nero Burning Rom), that suite will install many many other codecs and splitters.
2. When the above method is not working, the VLC is a handy player. It comes with its own codecs and can be used to watch .avi, .mp4, .3gp, .mkv, .flv, .flac, .mov, .wmv. It can even convert movies from a specific format to another, or broadcast the movie over the lan or internet. Or it may be used as tv player or webcam capturing software.
Regarding Media Player Classic and subtitles, the vobsub utility from many codecs packs is not required. MPC will even download subtitles from opensubtitles, without searching yourself all over the net. More of this, on the next post.


Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by catacc at 3:19 PM 0 comments Posted by catacc at 3:06 PM 1 commentAn old friend, long time no see...
http://www.doctor.info.ro/html/emisiunea_topsport.html 8th on right side
http://www.doctor.info.ro/html/municipale_culturism_2006.html 6th left side


...thinking of something funny...
... not so much.
Ever asking yourself what happened with the inner child?
My laptop's screen... trying to remember something funny. Or at least, to remember a site url where may be something to wake me up.
Ha! Just remembered something! Let's browse through my bookmarks collection ... over 1700 of them.
1, 2, 4, 10... there's too many.
I am just a lazy boy.
Maybe I've caught an extraterrestrial flu or something like that. I don't know and I don't care.
What's wrong with me? errrm, just trying to show you that i am not such a lazy one, but... i am too lazy these times.
Too much work to do and so little time. But I am not doing anything. I have to do, a lot of it, but I'm not.
...photoshop disasters... not so much. those kids are seeing something wrong, where actually, there isn't.
Please, tell me a joke. Even that I know already thousens of them, I am blocking those jokes inside my memory, so any joke you might tell me, even that i've heard it many times before, this time will be completely new.
time? ... over 700 DVDs in my collection, the last 300 with movies, pictures, music, tv shows, anime, pron...
I don't have time to see them all. What shall I do?
uh, just remembered: the 4th series 9th episode of Prison Break is coming up tomorrow and I didn't downloaded the previously 8.
i must see them. oh, my hdds are broke, or almost broke. hmmm, let's save on dvd something to make room for those episodes...
looking for something sharp.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Posted by catacc at 9:34 PM 0 commentsDELETED - Nuremberg - 26 June
Update comming up.
...errrm, I've almost lost all original pictures and all i've got it will be processed in couple of weeks.
Have a little patience, please.
Later edit in March 2010: I am unable for now to recover the lost pictures. The HDD will just sit there until I find a solution for this.


Friday, June 20, 2008
Posted by catacc at 10:35 AM 0 commentsStupid laws
Ever wanted to check your email while traveling in another country?
Write "gmail.com" in your favorite browser's address bar and sometimes you'll get the following message:
I like the subtle humor used by the Google staff (notice that full address is already written in address bar, but the user is forced to delete "/gmail" suffix).
P.S. Even that I've said "favorite browser", I have to use InternetExploder due to my employer rules, otherwise, Firefox rulz!!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Posted by catacc at 12:19 PM 0 commentsSaturday, June 7, 2008
Posted by catacc at 12:18 AM 0 commentsAristotel si Schwarzenegger - neintelegeri filosofice
Cica se intalnesc Aristotel si Arnold Schwarzenegger prin Hollywood, pe Walk of Fame. Se masoara din priviri, schimba grimase. La un moment dat, Aristotel ii arata lui Schwarzenegger un deget.
Nedumerit, Schwarzenegger ii arata doua degete.
Cu mirare pe fata, Aristotel ridica trei degete.
Schwarzenegger, aproape furios, ridica brusc patru degete.
Apoi, Aristotel, cu fata tot mai luminata, ii arata actorului guvernator un cerculet mic.
Rasufland victorios, Schwarzenegger ii deseneaza un ditamai cerc.
Dupa acest schimb de "replici", fiecare dintre ei se intoarce la prieteni.
Aristotel, merge in Agora si isi cheama discipolii:
Bai, uitati, ma, tot ceea ce stiati de Schwarzenegger. Ala nu e un pachet de muschi, ci unul de creier, una din cele mai luminate minti care mi-a fost dat sa le intalnesc. M-am intalnit cu el si i-am spus "Fiinta e unica". El mi-a raspuns imediat: "Da, dar exista dualitate: trup si spirit".
Uimit de interesantul lui raspuns, l-am luat cu ultimele noastre descoperiri din fizica: "Exista trei stari de agregare". La care, el: "Ba nu, sunt patru: exista si plasma".
Am trecut atunci la astrologie, cu ultima noastra mare descoperire: "Pamantul e rotund". La care el, foarte nervos de incultura mea, imi raspunde: "Da, dar luna se invarte in jurul lui". Va spun invataceii mei, Schwarzenegger este raspunsul tuturor intrebarilor voastre.
De cealalta parte, peste Atlantic, la o bere, actorul-guvernator-terminator, cu prietenii.
Ba, mosu'. Sa vezi ce patesc ieri. Ma intalnesc pe strada cu o piticanie. Ciudata, barboasa, mica, niste cearsafuri albe peste el. Si cum ma uitam eu asa mirat la el, imi zice: "Iti bag un deget in fund".
Va dati seama ca nu m-am lasat. Si i-am retezat-o scurt. Am zis ca io ii bag doua.
Piticul nu se lasa, sa vedeti tupeu. Cica imi baga trei degete. Aproape sa il iau la bataie, sar eu si ii zic ca ii bag patru.
La care el, incepe sa bata in retragere, si zice ca are fundul mic. Da' nu m-am lasat io si am zis ca i-l fac uite atata de mare.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Posted by catacc at 2:26 PM 0 comments Posted by catacc at 2:20 PM 0 commentsSaturday, May 24, 2008
Posted by catacc at 5:29 PM 0 commentsMonday, May 12, 2008
Posted by catacc at 1:36 AM 0 commentsMy first photo-session
These pictures were taken during my first photo-session, with a Fujifilm S5800 camera. Please keep in mind that this is my very first time when I was playing with a digital camera for more than 5 minutes.
Since I am an amateur, I am considering these images as a learning lesson, experimenting with the photography rules and techniques.
All pictures were taken with the camera held in hand (not using a tripod at all), using the 10x camera zoom sometimes, mostly using the P (programed) mode, and few pictures (less than 5) were taken in AUTO mode. They were not retouched with a noise removal software or enhanced in any way.
The only processing step was to reduce the resolution from 3264 x 2448px to 1600 x 1200px with the best algorithm of Irfanview software.
Anyway, these pictures must not be taken seriously into account as for a camera review or capabilities.
Since I am an amateur using photo techniques, keep in mind that maybe (please read: "for sure") I am not setting correctly the camera for a proper exposure, or a white balance or anything else.
Although all above said, some of these pictures were taken on purpose with low exposure values because I wanted to capture clouds or anything that would be overexposed or burned in normal conditions.


