In line with the ongoing efforts to reconstruct its business and return to profitability, BenQ announced the company's official English name: Qisda.
Quinda stands for "Quality Innovation speed Driving and Achievements." The Taiwanese company also announced it will change its Chinese name from "Jia Da" to "Jias Da" last week.
The new names will be effective on September 1, 2007, reports. With a spin-off project, Qisda is expected to turn profitable in 2008, said KY (Kuen-Yao) Lee, chairman of BenQ.
Qisda will mainly focus on LCD monitors, projectors, MFPs (multi-function peripherals) and handset ODM/OEM businesses.
BenQ will be a wholly owned subsidiary of Qisda and will keep BenQ as its brand name. The own-brand product lines will remain the same as now, covering wireless communication products, mobile phones, LCD monitors, LCD TVs, Joybook notebooks, optical storage products, MFPs and scanners, the company said. Benq will continue to exist but as a subsidiary of Qisda and the brand name will live on.
Benq, a spin off from the vast Acer Taiwanese empire, renamed itself BenQ a few years ago because people kept pronouncing it "benk" which sounded like "bank". So it added the lonely Q hoping people would call it Ben Queue.
Which actually sounds like a long line of people waiting to take money out of a bank.
The lonely Q has become something of a trend in the high tech industry in recent years - to wit Qimonda. The Q is pronounced like a K in this case. If the usual obligatory "u" was added to the Q in Qimonda we'd have something rather naughty. But if one was added to Qisda, we'd have Quisda but then BenQ would have to torture a meaning out of the u like they apparently have with "quality innovation speed driving achievements". Not, you'll note, qality.
copyright titlu: gallardo@
by yhe way chiparilor: doua mailuri la admini si unul la un moderator se pare ca nu au efect: contul meu e inca blocat fara motiv si nu pot sa postez. oricum, mai citesc din cand in cand si de pe asa ca s-ar putea ca in curand sa renunt la mai mult de yahoo messenger.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Posted by catacc at 3:06 PM 0 comments"Bai, frate.... sa vezi ce Qisda de monitor mi-am luat!"
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Posted by catacc at 5:02 PM 11 commentsBancul zilei
Pentru continuari, cititi comentariile.
O batrana intra in cabinetul doctorului:
- Doctore, zice baba, nu stiu ce sa ma fac, de la o vreme am gaze la stomac, trag vanturi tot timpul. Noroc ca le trag fara zgomot si chiar fara miros. Orisicat, e deranjant. Uite, de cand am intrat in biroul dumitale, am tras cel putin 10 bucati.
Doctorul, ii da niste pastile si ii zice:
- Luati pilulele astea de 3 ori pe zi si veniti luni la control. Vine baba dupa o saptamana si zice:
- Nu stiu ce mi-ati dat, dar acum "vanturile" mele put ingrozitor, insa au ramas la fel de silentioase.
- OK, zice doctorul, acum ca v-am degajat sinusul, hai sa vedem ce putem face cu timpanul.
Mel Gibson vrea sa faca un film despre viata marilor compozitori si se gandeste la o distributie de zile mari.
Suna la Robert DeNiro:
-Mda, mie mi s-ar potrivi Beethoven, e pe stilul meu, ursuz si neinteles.
Suna si la Dustin Hoffman:
-Imi place Mozart, bonvinant , vesel usuratic.
Suna si la Arnold Schwarzenegger. Dupa ce isi expune ideea austriacului, urmeaza vreo cinci minute de tacere si apoi fara nici un alt comentariu, se aude in receptor:
-I'll be Bach!
Sotul si sotia in pat... momente toride... EA - ia-ma salbatic, arata-mi ca esti barbat adevarat! EL - DA! DA! DA! EA - Spune-mi lucruri murdare! EL - Baia, bucataria, covorul din sufragerie...
Dear internet people, I think my wife is cheating on me. Need advice big time.
I’ve never written to you guys before about this, but I really need your advice on what could be a crucial decision. I’ve suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me.
The usual signs… Phone rings but if I answer, the caller hangs up.
My wife has been going out with the girls a lot recently although when I ask their names she always says, "Just some friends from work, you don’t know them."
I always stay awake to look out for her taxi coming home, but she always walks down the drive. Although I can hear a car driving off, as if she has gotten out of the car round the corner. Why? Maybe she wasn’t in a taxi?
I once picked her cell phone up just to see what time it was and she went berserk and screamed that I should never touch her
phone again and why was I checking up on her.
Anyway, I have never approached the subject with my wife. I think deep down I just didn’t want to know the truth, but last night she went out again and I decided to really check on her.
I decided I was going to park my Harley Davidson motorcycle next to the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the whole street when she came home. It was at that moment, crouching behind my Harley, that I noticed that the valve covers on my engine seemed to be leaking a little oil.
Is this something I can fix myself or should I take it back to the dealer?
Doi extraterestri aterizeaza langa o statie de benzina care era inchisa la ora respectiva. Coboara ei din nava spatiala si se indreapta spre prima chestie din statie care arata ca o vietate - o pompa de benzina.
"Pamanteanule, du-ma la conducatorul tau!", se rasteste primul extraterestru la pompa. Desigur, nu primeste nici un raspuns...
"Pamanteanule, du-ma la conducatorul tau!!" tipa primul extraterstru si mai tare. Pompa - nimic...
Nervos, primul extraterestru scoate Laser Blasterul si ii spune colegului de nava:
"Daca pamanteanul asta nu ne trateaza cu respectul ce ni se cuvine, o sa-l invat minte!!!"
"Fa ce crezi", zice colegul lui, "da' asteapta te rog, sa ma retrag mai in spate."
Usor nedumerit, primul alien asteapta sa se indeparteze colegu la vreo 50 metri de benzinarie, apoi scoate din nou arma si ameninta pompa:
"Pamanteanule, du-ma de indata la conducatorul tau!!!"
Nervos tare ca nu primeste nici acum raspuns, trage!!!
Dupa explozia devastatoare, primul extraterstru se trezeste la cativa zeci de metri de statie, pe spate, intre resturile exploziei.
In timp ce se ridica stergandu-si praful de pe costumul spatial, se uita urat la colegul lui, care era bine-mersi:
"Zii ma, daca stiai ce o sa se intample, de ce dracu nu m-ai avertizat, ce coleg esti tu??"
"Ma, io nu stiam ca o sa se intample asa ceva" zice colegul, "dar EU nu-s cretin sa-mi pun mintea cu unu' care-si infasoara sula de doua ori in jurul braului ca sa si-o bage dupa aia intr-una din urechi!!!"
Vand nevasta!! An de fabricare: 1980, culoare: roscata, putin uzata, cam de 2 ori pe zi (dar duce mult mai mult), al doilea proprietar, cai putere: oooooo Jesus (poa' sa tina o herghelie), caroseria putin uzata: a fost un mic accident cu un vecin care nu s-a asigurat daca sunt acasa si a venit pe la ea; in urma accidentului el a fost grav avariat iar ea a suferit niste mici atingeri de curea pe aripa stanga spate, dar cu timpul se repara.
Pret negociabil, o dau cu accesorii : unu' de 3 ani si o fetita de 5 ani. Rog seriozitate!
A fost o data un print care intr-o zi a intrebat o preafrumoasa printesa:
-Vrei sa fii sotia mea?
Si ea a spus: -Nuuu!
Si atunci printul a trait multi si fericiti ani si poate mai traieste si acum umbland la vanatoare, pescuit, haladuind cu prietenii, band multa bere si imbatindu-se de cate ori poftea, jucand table toata ziulica, lasandu-si hainele imprastiate in sufragerie, facand sex cu toate curvele, vecinele si prietenele.